LeoMoves Workshop Vienna
Sa., 11. Nov.
Unlock the secrets of handstands, explore my unique bodyweight style and more, all within an all-day workshop!

Zeit & Ort
11. Nov. 2023, 10:00 – 17:00
DIAMONDS DANCE LOFT, Endresstraße 18, 1230 Wien, Austria
Über die Veranstaltung
In this full day workshop we go through the following elements:
Handstand and other inversions
Being able to stand on the hands is afascinating thing. Body awareness, balance,strength and more elements have to cometogether to master the handstand. I willshare my knowledge about handstands withyou to bring you closer to your goal. We willalso have a look at other hand balancingelements and If wished I give inputs to moreadvanced forms such as handstand press orone arm handstand.
Bodyweight by LeoMoves
I will share my philosophy and uniquestyle of bodyweight training with you.
3 dimensional movements inspired bydisciplines such as breakdance,breakletics, gymnastics and more willchallenge your strength, mobility andcoordination. You will get introduced tobasic elements which we will combine,evolve and play around with to createcool combos.
Workshop Vienna
150,00 CHF+ 3,75 CHF ServicegebührVerkauf beendet
0,00 CHF